How does the jobline work?

To ensure you don’t miss a job posting, please call the jobline once daily between the hours of 4:30pm and 9:00am Newfoundland time. If there are no jobs posted the message will state that there are no jobs posted.
If a job or jobs are posted the message will list:

The job number and:
– the amount of manpower required, the trade, and level
– the company and location
– other specifications related to the manpower request

Please leave a message with your name, phone number, and job number or numbers you are applying for.


Job number 1234:

– 4 journeyperson plumbers
– Example Company in Example Place
– This is a nightshift, 14/7, must have an example ticket.

Job number 5678:

– 2 journeyperson plumbers
– Example Company in Example Place
– This is a dayshift, 14/7, must have an example ticket.

If interested in both, your message would be:
My name is John Smith, phone number 123-4567, job numbers 1234 and 5678.

Please only leave one message, multiple messages take up space and could possibly prevent other members from being able to leave a message.

Last updated bySevenview Admin