Union Office
- Do I need to call the hall when I get laid off from work?
- Can I check the status of my union dues online?
- If a company contacts me and says I have been name hired can I go ahead and start working without hearing from the union office?
- How do I know what mailing address or contact information I have on file at the union office?
- I have upgraded to a higher apprenticeship level, do I need to notify the union office?
- If I update my address at the Benefits Office, does it update at the Union Office?
- I haven’t logged off my hours in a long time and my apprenticeship has been cancelled! Am I still an apprentice with the union? What do I do?
- I am currently working through UA Local 740, why did I receive a statement saying I owe dues and should I ignore it?
- I am an apprentice and I haven’t logged off my hours in a long time/don’t have any new hours to log off, should I wait until I get more hours before I contact the government?
- I called and got no answer, should I keep calling until someone picks up?
- I just received my journeyperson status, what do I do?
- I am working as a travel card right now, do I still need to pay dues to my home local?
- I just got laid off and I have called in to put my name back on the list, can I find out my number right away?
- How can I pay my union dues?
- I have been laid off and called to put my name back on the list. A job has been posted but I am unable to apply online. What do I do?
- I need to send paperwork to the union office but you are closed.
- I was laid off this weekend and there is a call to the board, can I apply for it?
- How do I apply for a job?
- I think I am getting laid off today, can I call and put my name back on the list?
- When do calls get posted to the board?
- Can I apply for more than one job?
- I heard there was a call into the hall, should I call and ask?
- How do I apply for a job if I do not have computer access?
- Do you know when a call is coming in?
- When is the jobline open?
- Why didn’t my position move on the list if there was a call on the board last night?
- How does the jobline work?
- Why does my position increase or decrease on the list?
- I have an important issue I need to discuss with someone at the union office, who do I contact?
- There was a call posted last night and I am wondering if I got it. Should I call and ask?
- How can I find out more information about upcoming work or get an update on a current union event?